§ 40. Mr. HORRABINasked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that during the month of June, 1930, 66,676 cwts. of tomatoes were imported into this country 25 from Holland as compared with 26,322 cwts. during the same month last year, and that the prices obtained by English growers were from 2d. to 3d. per lb. less this year than last; and whether he will take steps by means of import boards for fruit and vegetables to secure an economic price for the English grower?
§ Mr. PARKINSONThe quantities of tomatoes imported into the United Kingdom from Holland in June, 1930 and 1929, were approximately as stated in the question. The average wholesale price of English tomatoes in June last was about 2d. per lb. less than in June, 1929. The whole question of enabling the grower in this country to secure better prices for his fruit, vegetables and other produce is engaging the close attention of my right hon. Friend.
§ Mr. LEIF JONESIs it not greatly to the advantage of English consumers that they should be able to get these tomatoes cheaply?
§ Mr. C. WILLIAMSWill the Minister do something in this matter; and will he be able to give a report upon it before the House again sits?
§ Mr. PARKINSONThat does not arise out of the question on the Paper.