HC Deb 24 July 1930 vol 241 cc2557-8

Considered in Committee.

[Mr. DUNNICO in the Chair.]

Clauses 1 (Constitution of Court of Criminal Appeal); 2 (Right of appeal in criminal cases); 3 (Determination of appeals in ordinary cases); 4 (Powers of Court in special cases); 5 (Reverting and restitution of property on conviction); 6 (Decision of Court to be final subject to appeal to House of Lords); 7 (Time for appealing); 8 (Judge's notes and report to be furnished on appeal); 9 (Supplemental powers of Court); 10 (Presentation, of appellant's case); 11 (Right of appellant to be present); 12 (Costs of appeal); 13 (Position of appellant pending determination of appeal); 14 (Duties of registrar with respect to notices of appeal, etc.); 15 (Shorthand notes of trial); and 16 (Rules of court), ordered to stand part of the Bill.