HC Deb 24 July 1930 vol 241 cc2384-6

asked the President of the Board of Education if he has received from the Durham County Education Committee and the County Councils Association protests expressing their dissatisfaction with his decision not to increase the grant for the conveyance of children in country districts; and whether he will reconsider his decision, in view of reorganisation schemes being either held up to a material extent or else proceeded with on less desirable lines than would otherwise be the case?


asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has received a communication from the County of Somerset Education Committee, pointing out that they are faced with an increase of £40,000 per annum in estimated expenditure for the conveyance of children to school in connection with the reorganisation of public elementary schools, making a revised total for such conveyance of £46,541 per annum; whether, in these circumstances, he is prepared to consider an increase in the percentage grant now made to the committee; and, if not, whether he is prepared to authorise a postponement of the reorganisation in whole or in part until the condition of the agricultural industry improves?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Sir Charles Trevelyan)

I have received representations from the Somerset Local Education Authority and from the County Councils Association, but I am not at present satisfied that the percentage rate of grant in respect of expenditure on the conveyance of children should be increased. When all the relevant factors are taken into consideration I do not think that there is any valid reason for postponing schemes of reorganisation on this account.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration the grievous hardship upon children who are in out-of-the-way country cottages, and who, in all kinds of weather, have to attend school? Could they receive attention even before expenditure is made upon secondary education?


Considerable attention is being paid to the matter, and there are considerable schemes for conveyance. This is simply a question of how it can be paid for.


Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the less populated country districts are, like my constituency, the heavier is the burden compared with other parts of the country? There is a case, if the right hon. Gentleman will consider it, for favourable consideration to the country districts.


I am aware of the difficulties, but the hon. Member must remember that in other respects grants are being distributed.


Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to receive a deputation from persons interested, who feel very deeply upon this point and are afraid of the additional expense that would be put upon them?


I have discussed the matter a, good deal with the county councils.