HC Deb 23 July 1930 vol 241 cc2120-1
58. Mr. DAY

asked the Secretary for Mines whether any recent meeting has been held at Geneva with experts from other countries to consult with a subcommittee of the Economic Committee of the League on the general aspects of the coal question; can he say whether any resolutions were passed and decisions arrived at; and can be give the House particulars?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Shinwell)

There has been no consultation by the Coal Sub-Committee of the Economic Committee of the League of Nations with experts since October, 1929. Since that date the International Labour Office has been concerned with the effort to secure some international agreement relating to hours, wages and working conditions in the coal-mining industry. As no doubt my hon. Friend is aware, a draft Convention on Hours in Coal Mines failed by only a small margin to secure endorsement at the International Labour Conference at Geneva in June. The Conference agreed, however, that the subject should be placed on the Agenda of the next Session, and also passed a resolution expressing the view that, irrespective of the work of the International Labour Organisation for unifying working conditions, the attention of the Economic organisation of the League of Nations should be called to the desirability of an economic agreement being concluded as soon as possible between the coal-producing countries.


Can the hon. Member say whether this will be helpful?


There has been no agreement up to now.