HC Deb 23 July 1930 vol 241 c2137
39. Mr. MANDER

asked the Minister of Transport how many bridges in the Black Country require reconstruction, and in how many cases reconstruction is taking place or is contemplated?


My Department has record of some 200 bridges in this district which are regarded as not fully adequate for present day traffic. Reconstruction is in hand or already contemplated in the case of about one-third of them. I may add that for the past year I have been urging local authorities in this and other areas to take advantage of the special rate of grant, namely, 75 per cent., which is available from the Road Fund for schemes of reconstructing weak bridges in the ownership of railway and canal companies.


Will the hon. Gentleman continue to urge with all the ability he can that this work should be expedited?


The hon. Member may be sure that I shall continue my good works.