HC Deb 22 July 1930 vol 241 cc2081-2

Amendments made: In page 87, line 39, after the word "lends," insert the word "to."

In page 88, line 1, leave out the words "within the meaning of," and insert instead thereof the word "under."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]


I beg to move, in page 88, line 9, to leave out the words "with or without, hard labour."

The words "with or without hard labour" are being omitted, because if the courts can imprison, the sentence may be with or without hard labour, and it is not necessary to put the words in the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.


I beg to move, in page 88, line 38, to leave out the word "previously," and to insert instead thereof the words: the document has been previously returned to him or he has previously been. Objection was taken in Committee to Sub-section (4) because as it stands it provides that if a constable has seized a licence or certificate which he believes to be forged, the person from whom the document has been seized must either be charged with an offence or must be summoned to appear before a court of summary jurisdiction to account for his possession of the document. The words that we propose to insert provide that neither of these two alternatives need be adopted if the document is, in fact, returned to the owner. The point was raised by Members of the Opposition in Committee and I promised to give consideration to it.

Amendment agreed to.