HC Deb 18 July 1930 vol 241 cc1710-1

I beg to move, in page 71, line 39, to leave out the words "and stopping places."

This Amendment, and the two Amendments which follow it, are intended to remove some ambiguity which it was found might attach to the use of the phrase "stopping places." The phrase is therefore omitted and the definition which appeared in Sub-section (8) of the Clause has been transferred to Subsection (1).

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 71, line 40, after the first word "the," insert the words places at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers and as to the.

In line 40, leave out the word "stopping."

In page 72, line 3, leave out the words "for the use of or."

In line 6, leave out the word "such" and insert instead thereof the word "that."

In line 7, leave out from the word "vehicles," to the end of line 9.

In line 16, leave out the word "regulations" and insert instead thereof the word "regulation."

In line 17, leave out the words "and where a parking place shall be so provided," and insert instead thereof the words: (3) Where a parking place is appointed tinder this section as a station for public service vehicles.

In line 18, leave out the words "equip and maintain the same with," and insert instead thereof the words: (a) with the consent of the Minister do all such things as are necessary to adapt the parking place for use as a station for public service vehicles, and in particular provide and maintain.

In line 19, leave out from the second word "and," to the end of the Sub-section, and insert instead thereof the words: other similar accommodation in connection therewith; and (b) make reasonable charges for the use of, or let on hire to any person, any accommodation so provided; and (c) make regulations as to the use of any such accommodation.

In page 73, line 13, leave out from the word "In," to the word "Sub-section," in line 16.—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]