HC Deb 18 July 1930 vol 241 c1708

Amendments made:

In page 67, line 3, leave out the words "the grant or backing of a".

Consequential Amendments made.

Further Amendments made:

In page 67, line 14, after the word "a," insert the words "public service vehicle licence or."

In line 16, leave out the words "or the revocation of the backing thereof."

In line 21, leave out the second word "the," and insert instead thereof the word "a."

In line 33, after the word "fit," insert the words "(including an order revoking a licence)."

In line 36, leave out the words "the applicant for a new licence, who," and insert instead thereof the words "a person who has applied for a new licence in substitution for a licence held by him and in force."

In line 37, leave out the words "is the holder of a licence."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]