HC Deb 16 July 1930 vol 241 c1280
53. Mr. DAY

asked the hon. Member for the Gorton Division, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, the amount at present in hand resulting from the bequest of the late Sir A. Jacoby for the benefit of attendants and waiters at the House of Commons; and whether any pensions granted from this fund are at present in operation?


As the reply is rather long and contains a number of figures, I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Is it a fact that since this fund was started in 1909 only one pension has been granted?


I would refer the hon. Gentleman to my reply.


Can the hon. Gentleman say how many pensions have been granted?


How many years has a servant of this House to be in the employment of the House before he is entitled to a pension?

Following is the reply:

The bequest of the late Sir James Alfred Jacoby was for the benefit of the members of the staff of the refreshment department, House of Commons, only. The extract from the will is as follows: I give the sum of £1,000 free of Legacy Duty to the Serjeant-at-Arms attending the House of Commons in trust, to found a fund for pensioning or assisting aged, ill, or disabled members of the staff of the refreshment department, House of Commons. This amount was invested by the Charity Commissioners in £1,188 3 per cent. London and North Eastern Railway Debenture Stock, the income from which is £35 12s. 10d. per annum. The accumulated income has from time to time been reinvested, and the following stocks are now held in the names of the Serjeant-at-Arms and the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee for the time being, who are trustees for the income: £56 6s. 3d. 5 per cent. War Loan 1929–1947 Post Office Issue, cost £53 6s. 8d. £21 6s. 3½ per cent. Conversion Loan Post Office Issue, cost £15 (this was originally £15 5 per cent. National War Bond). £100 5 per cent. War Loan 1929–1947, cost £100 2s. 10d. £500 2½ per cent. Consols, cost £296 2s. 6d. There is also on current account the sum of £116 10s. 10d. waiting reinvestment. The total income from all sources for 1929 was £55 3s. 1d. In 1912 the trustees granted a pension of 10s. per week to a waiter, Mr. T. Wallace. This was continued to the time of his decease in December, 1923; since that date the only payments made have been grants to several members of the staff who were in need of assistance through illness.