HC Deb 10 July 1930 vol 241 cc793-4

Amendments made: In page 64, line 37, leave out the words "written or verbal, with respect to," and insert instead thereof the words "affecting in any material respect."

In line 38, after the word "provision," insert the words "within the area of the Commissioners."

In line 40, at the end, insert the words "whether within or without the area."


I beg to move, in page 64, line 40, after the words last inserted, to insert the words: (b) of any financial interest (whether as a partner or shareholder or as a result of any loan, guarantee, or other financial transaction) which any other person providing passenger transport facilities has in the business of the applicant or holder of the licence, and in the case of the applicant or holder who is a company of any right which any such person as aforesaid has to nominate any director of the company; (c) of any such interest or right as aforesaid which the applicant or holder has in the business of any other person who provides passenger transport facilities within the area of the commissioners.

Major GLYN

This Amendment raises a point which I mentioned during the Committee stage. I hope the Minister will look into that point and see whether it is necessary to deal with it.

12 m.


I am not quite clear on that point. I thought that there would be no difficulty about this group of Amendments, which are partly drafting and partly to meet paints raised by the companies. If, however, my hon. and gallant Friend has any point that he would like me to look into, and will let me know, I shall be perfectly happy to do so between now and the Bill going to another place.


Is it not the case that this is the last stage at which anything can be done, and that nothing can be done in another place, where they will only be considering our Amendments to their Bill?


What I had in mind was that, so far as this House has amended the Bill, when it reaches their Lordships' House it is possible for their Lordships to disagree, and, if necessary, I might even encourage them to disagree in order to meet my hon. and gallant Friend.

Colonel ASHLEY

Might I suggest that, when we have finished Clause 75, we should adjourn?


I agree.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 65, line 6, leave out the word "continued," and insert instead thereof the word "continuing."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]

Ordered, "That further Consideration of the Bill, as amended, be now adjourn."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]

Bill, as amended (in the Standing Committee), and not Amended on recommittal, to be further considered To-morrow.