HC Deb 10 July 1930 vol 241 c792

Amendments made: In page 60, line 39, leave out the words "authorising the provision of," and insert instead thereof the words "to provide."

In page 61, line 34, after the word "to," insert the words: the provisions of this section and to


I beg to move, in page 62, line 15, at the end, to insert the words: (a) particulars of the type or types of vehicles to be used; and This requires that any person applying for a new road service licence, in addition to time tables, shall also give particulars of the type of vehicles used or proposed to be used on the service. This is considered to be necessary to the efficient administration of the Act.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 62, line 30, after the word "may," insert the words "subject to the provisions of this section."

In line 33, leave out the words "Provided that," and insert instead thereof the words" (7) In any case."

In line 34, leave out the words "of Parliament."

In line 35, after the second word "service," insert the words "nothing in this section shall be taken to authorise."

In line 36, leave out the words "shall not have power."

In line 37, leave out the word "nor," and insert instead thereof the word "or."

In page 63, line 1, after the word "authorised," insert the words "under Part V. of this Act or."

In line 3, leave out the words "of Parliament."

In line 20, after the word "county" insert the word "county."

In line 20, leave out the word "urban district or rural," and insert instead thereof the words "or county."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]