HC Deb 09 July 1930 vol 241 cc407-8
19. Mr. R. S. YOUNG

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty under what conditions did he permit Royal Marines to act in the production of the film "Tell England"; whether any financial benefit came to the Admiralty; and what fees, if any, were paid to the Marines concerned?


The permission for Royal Marines to be photographed in connection with the production of the film "Tell England" was granted on the usual Admiralty conditions, which were stated in the reply given by the late Prime Minister to the hon. and gallant Member for Central Hull (Commander Kenworthy) on 6th December, 1927 (Parliamentary Debates, Vol. 211, No. 132, col. 1180). With regard to the second part of the question a percentage of any profits arising from the exploitation of the film will be paid by the company to the Admiralty, one half of which will be paid over to the Naval Sports Fund for the benefit of the men of the Fleet. No fees are paid to Naval personnel photographed.


Is my hon. Friend aware that this film company first approached the War Office and turned down their offer on the ground of cost? Are we to assume, therefore, that there are two different prices quoted from Government Departments?


I am afraid that that is a question I cannot answer. I have answered as far as the Admiralty is concerned, and I know nothing about the other matter.


Can my hon. Friend say whether there is one officer who controls all the cinematograph work for all the different Departments?


This matter is important because—




The hon. Member must not make a speech.

52. Mr. YOUNG

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air the rate of charge at which the Air Ministry loaned an airplane to the British Instructional Films in their production of Secrets of Nature?


My hon. Friend has apparently been misinformed. No aircraft have been loaned by the Air Ministry to British Instructional Films, Limited. The transaction was one between the film company in question and a firm of aircraft constructors, who came to an arrangement whereby two aeroplanes which were under order for the Air Ministry, and were being tested before delivery, were used for the purpose of having certain pictures taken in the air. The Air Ministry was concerned in the matter only in so far as it stipulated, in agreeing to the arrangement, that it should not be charged with the cost of the flights made for that particular purpose. What charge was actually to be made against the film company was a matter for arrangement between the company and the firm, and I have no official information in regard to the amount.