HC Deb 09 July 1930 vol 241 cc413-5

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether despatches have been sent to the Governors of Tanganyika, Uganda, Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland directing them to introduce legislation, and in particular land legislation, to bring their existing ordinances into line with the statement of native policy recently issued as Command Paper No. 3573; when the Kenya legislature will meet to consider the 31 amendments to existing local ordinances required to bring them into conformity with the detailed proposals of the White Paper; and whether any representations from the different Governments as to varying the application of the White Paper will be considered?


The Governors of all the East African Dependencies have been instructed, as is stated in the foreword to the Memorandum on Native Policy in East Africa, to take immediate steps to ensure that the policy in regard to native administration in these territories is brought into strict conformity, if in any respect this is not at present the case, with that laid down in the Memorandum. The Governors of the territories concerned will no doubt consider what legislation is necessary to give effect to these instructions. As regards the second part of the question, I am not aware when the Kenya Council will meet to consider any legislation which may be found necessary. As regards the third part of the question, the views expounded in the White Paper are a declaration of the policy of His Majesty's Government, and it was not anticipated that the Governments of the territories concerned would have any representations to make. If, however, any such representations should be made, my Noble Friend would of course consider them, but he would not contemplate any departure from the principles enunciated in the Paper.


Having regard to the diversity of conditions in these different territories and the fact that there are elected members of the various Legislative Councils, will the hon. Member take into consideration any representation that may be made either by a Legislative Council as a whole or by the unofficial members of it?


Yes, Sir. We would certainly be prepared to consider any representations subject to the conditions laid down in my answer. Although it is true that there is a great diversity of conditions, the same general principles should apply to all.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the proposed Joint Select Committee of both Houses will be invited to report on any fresh legislation required in any of the East African dependencies for the purpose of bringing existing Orders in Council or local ordinances into conformity with the terms of the recent White Paper on Native Policy?


No, Sir. The White Paper on Native Policy will not form one of the subjects for consideration by the Joint Committee, the appointment of which my Noble Friend the Secretary of State for the Colonies recently foreshadowed in another place.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what action is being taken by the Governments of Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia to communicate to their officers and to natives of those protectorates the terms of the statement of native policy set out in Command Paper 3573?


The Governors of Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia have been instructed that the widest possible publicity should be given to the statement on native policy set out in Command Paper No. 3573. They have been informed by my Noble Friend the Secretary of State for the Colonies that he wishes copies to be communicated to Government officials, who may be in any way concerned, and in particular that every administrative officer should be supplied with a copy. My Noble Friend has not yet been informed what steps have been taken to carry out these instructions.