§ 7. Mr. MILLARasked the Secretary of State for Scotland the stocks of last year's potatoes which are still held by Scottish potato growers and merchants at the present date?
Mr. W. ADAMSONReturns received by the Department of Agriculture for Scotland from 762 large growers and merchant-growers, covering 306,000 tons of potatoes, or 26.5 per cent. of the estimated total crop of 1929, show that on 1st June the total quantity in the hands of these persons was 210 58,250 tons, or 19 per cent. of the quantity mentioned above. This proportion cannot, however, be safely applied throughout Scotland. Probably the proportional amount left in the hands of smaller growers is less. No returns have been received from merchants who are not growers.
§ Mr. MILLARHave any steps been taken to ascertain what use can be made of the surplus stocks still in the hands of the growers, and has the right hon. Gentleman considered that matter?
§ 3. Major COLVILLEasked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he can make a statement with regard to the proposed potato pool in Scotland, and if it is the intention of the Government to guarantee credit facilities in order to assist in the development of marketing arrangements?
Mr. ADAMSONI understand that Scottish Potato Growers, Limited, have obtained signatures from about 1,300 potato growers to an agreement to market their potatoes through this agency for the three years, 1930–1932, inclusive. The area thus contracted for is about 17,000 acres. It has, however, been decided that the agreement shall not apply to the 1930 crop. The matter raised in tale second part of the question is receiving my consideration in connection with the report of the Committee on Agricultural Co-operation in Scotland. I hope to be in a position to make a further statement on the subject shortly.
§ Major COLVILLEIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the promoters of this marketing arrangement feel that they would have got much further if they had been promised some credit facilities?
§ Mr. MACQUISTENHas the right hon. Gentleman considered assisting in the erection of power alcohol distilleries to take the surplus stock of potatoes, as is done on the Continent?