HC Deb 03 July 1930 vol 240 cc2133-4

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he can furnish any statistics of the number of vehicles using the Outer Circle of Regent's Park as a relief road to the Marylebone Road?


I am informed that no census of vehicles using this road has been taken by the police.

81. Sir C. COBB

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether, in view of the added attractions of Regent's Park, especially those lately devised for children, he will consider the advisability of making the necessary Regulation for safeguarding the public from the ever-increasing traffic dangers prevailing in connection with all the approaches to the park from the Outer Circle, either by the appointment of additional attendants or the institution of a speed limit of 12 miles an hour, as in Battersea Park?


The regulation of the traffic in the Outer Circle is generally in the hands of the police. My Department employs park-keepers at nearly all the principal entrances to the park, who assist pedestrians in crossing the road. I am considering whether any further assistance of this kind is needed. A fresh Regulation has recently been allowed by Parliament imposing a limit of 20 miles an hour for the Royal Parks. This I consider a more reasonable limit of speed for these roads than that suggested by the hon. Member.

82. Sir C. COBB

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether, in view of the widening of the Marylebone Road and Park Road, it is any longer necessary for the Outer Circle of Regent's Park to be used as a relief road to those thoroughfares; and whether he will consider the possibility of reverting to the traffic regulations which formerly existed within the area of the park?


I consider that it would be inconvenient to the public to exclude from the Outer Circle traffic which has been using it for very many years. As to the latter part of the question, I know of no alteration which has been made unless it be the withdrawal some 10 years ago of the speed limit of 12 miles an hour, which it was found, in practice, impossible to enforce.