HC Deb 02 July 1930 vol 240 c1947

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any of the West Indian Governments have accepted the proposals of the Secretary of State for the Colonies for sharing losses on next year's West Indian sugar crop; whether any further representations regarding the seriousness of the social conditions arising out of the crisis in those Colonies dependent on sugar industry have been received; what further proposals the Government are now proposing to make; and whether they will now undertake to maintain in fact the present value of the preference on Empire sugar for a term of years?


The answer to the first and fourth parts of the question is in the negative, and to the second in the affirmative. My Noble Friend continues to watch the situation closely, and is in telegraphic communication with the Governments concerned, but I am not yet in a position to announce the steps to be taken. I am not in a position to add to the announcement already made with regard to the preference accorded to Empire sugar.


The hon. Gentleman says the matter is still under consideration. When may we expect to have some announcement of some real honouring of the Government's vaunted principles of trusteeship for the Negro races?