HC Deb 02 July 1930 vol 240 c1966

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the nature of the restrictions which have been placed upon the Press of Cyprus; and what is the reason for them?


The main feature of the the law regulating the Press recently enacted by the Cyprus Legislature is a provision that every newspaper proprietor must obtain a licence to publish from the Government, and must execute a bond in the sum of £200 for the payment of any penalty imposed upon him by the courts for seditious or other libel. The object of the Measure is, briefly, to provide against newspapers being conducted by irresponsible persons able to indulge in the publication of libellous articles for which they cannot effectively be made answerable.


On a point of Order. May we have that question answered again? We could not hear one word of the answer. It is in order for a Minister to speak in so low a tone that he cannot be heard?


The hon. Member will see the answer in the OFFICIAL REPORT.