HC Deb 22 January 1930 vol 234 c206
18. Major POLE

(for Colonel WEDGWOOD) asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether the recent legislation in Southern Rhodesia which prohibited African Natives from buying or renting land outside the reserves has received the royal approval or whether he has recommended disallowance in view of the terms of the constitution?


I presume my right hon. and gallant Friend refers to the Southern Rhodesia Land Apportionment Act, but I would observe that the object of this legislation is to set aside separate areas outside the native reserves as areas in which natives can alone hold and occupy land and other areas in which persons other than natives can alone hold and occupy land. It has been found that, in view of the terms of the Southern Rhodesia Constitution Letters Patent, there are legal difficulties in bringing this Act into effect, but the Secretary of State is in communication with the Government of Southern Rhodesia as to the steps which might be taken to enable legislation in the terms proposed to become operative.