HC Deb 26 February 1930 vol 235 cc2217-8
1. Mr. DAY

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can state the yearly figure shown by the latest Chinese Maritime Customs returns of arms and munitions imported through the Customs at the Chinese treaty ports; and can he state from which countries these arms were shipped?


The most recent returns of the Chinese Maritime Customs show that the importation of arms and munitions of war through them in 1928 amounted to a total net value equivalent, at the average rate of exchange, to, roughly, £1,750,000. These figures do not include imports for sporting purposes or for individual self-defence. With my hon. Friend's permission, I will have the detailed particulars circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Have any recent protests been made by the British representatives in China with reference to the importation of arms?


Not that I have any knowledge of.

Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE

How does the right hon. Gentleman separate arms for individuals for self-defence and arms that are to be used against other people?


I am afraid I can only give the answer that has been provided for me.

Following are the detailed particulars:

Note.—The following figures include arms imported for British and other foreign naval and military forces in China as well as for such institutions as the Chinese Maritime Customs and the Shanghai Volunteer Corps. The various countries named are those from which the arms are shipped, and are not necessarily those of origin.

STATEMENT showing the value of direct gross imports through the Maritime Customs of arms and munitions into China during the year 1928, distinguishing the countries whence imported.

(Extracted from the Statistical Returns, Part II, Vol. 1, Imports—published by the Chinese Maritime Customs.)

Arms and munitions of war:
Haikwan Taels.
Total imports of which from: 11,400,315
Hongkong 171,659
French Indo-China 34,301
British India 45
Great Britain 34,577
Norway 4,868,550
Sweden 44,557
Poland 2,536,646
Germany 3,208,897
Netherlands 21,242
Belgium 16,154
France 19,398
Korea 305
Japan (including Formosa) 393,005
Philippine Islands 1,763
United States (including Hawaii) 49,216
Arms and munitions, sporting and self-defence. Haikwan Taels.
Total imports of which from: 125,671
Hongkong 37,455
French Indo-China 1,869
British India 462
Great Britain 23,105
Germany 12,392
Belgium 1,038
France 64
Korea 394
Japan (including Formosa) 35,089
Philippine Islands 160
United States (including Hawaii) 13,643
NOTE.—The equivalent of the Haikwan Tael during the year 1928 was 2s. 11 1/16d.
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