§ 63. Mr. A. M. SAMUELasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is taking steps to ensure greater hygiene in the storage of fish at sea by insisting upon the use of galvanised iron storage shelves with waste-water gutters to supersede wooden storage shelves?
§ The MINISTER of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Noel Buxton)The provision of galvanised iron storage shelves with wastewater gutters forms part of the recommendations of the Report on the Handling and Stowage of White Fish at Sea recently issued by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. I understand that steps are already being taken by some owners to equip their vessels 1862 with the apparatus necessary for carrying out the recommendations in this Report.
§ Mr. SAMUELIs the right hon. Gentleman prepared to make the recommendation compulsory?
§ Mr. BUXTONThat would require legislation, but I do not think we need fear that the recommendation in the Report will not be made applicable at a very early date.
§ Mr. C. WILLIAMSWill the right hon. Gentleman insert a provision that British galvanised iron and steel shall be used?
§ 64. Mr. SAMUELasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will frame regulations of a kind calculated to discourage the sale of stale fish for curing or smoking or for consumption in fried fish shops, and thereby induce the fishing industry to observe more cleanly methods of packing and storage at sea so as to avoid fish being landed in a stale condition?
§ Mr. BUXTONAdequate safeguards against the exposure for sale of fish intended for the food of man but unfit for human consumption already exist by virtue of the Public Health Acts, under which such fish may be condemned and the owner or person in possession may be fined or imprisoned. As stated in the Report on the Handling and Stowage of White Fish at Sea, which the hon. Member presumably has in mind, the term "stale" is used in a comparative sense and does not denote that the fish is unfit for human food.
§ Mr. SAMUELThe right hon. Gentleman has given me an answer in regard to fish unfit for human consumption. That was not what I was asking for. I was asking about inferior and stale fish.
§ Mr. BUXTONThe word "stale" is used in the report in a technical and trade sense, and as representing a difference from the highest standard of freshness.
§ Mr. SAMUELI am aware that fish unfit for human consumption cannot be sold, but there is stale fish which is sold, and which ought not to be sold.
§ Mr. BUXTONThere is a responsibility upon the local authorities in regard to that matter.