HC Deb 20 February 1930 vol 235 cc1582-3
80. Mr. T. LEWIS

asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the fact that diseases classified as rheumatic are responsible for the loss of over 3,000,000 weeks of work per annum by insured workers, necessitating the payment of nearly £2,000,000 in benefit, he will consider the desirability of inaugurating a board qualified to undertake research work as supplementary to, but in conjunction with, the new British Red Cross Society clinic against rheumatism?


I shall watch with interest the experiment about to be made by the British Red Cross Society in the treatment of rheumatism at their new clinic, but I do not think it necessary or desirable, at this stage, to set up any special body to co-operate with the society. The general question of research in relation to rheumatic diseases is constantly under the consideration of the Medical Research Council, who will, no doubt, take steps to acquaint themselves with the results of the work at the new clinic.


Is it not a fact that working men's organisations for many years have requested the Ministry to set up a research department for dealing with rheumatic diseases?


As I understand it, what the approved societies are anxious for is an experiment of this kind.


Is it not a fact that those bodies definitely ask the present Government to do it?

Commander BELLAIRS

Have any proposals been brought before the League of Nations for a combined effort on the part of the different nations?


I am afraid I shall require to have notice of that question.

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