75 Dr. DAVIESasked the President of the Board of Education how many local education authorities have submitted schemes to him in preparation for the compulsory raising of the school age in 1931; the total cost of such schemes locally and nationally, detailing such costs as far as may be practicable, as in Table I, page 5, of List 43, issued by the Board of Education in October, 1929; and will he state the number of local education authorities who have not submitted such schemes?
§ Sir C. TREVELYAN168 local education authorities have already submitted programmes. The preliminary estimates so far receivpd provide for an expenditure of some £21,000,000 on elementary education as a whole in the year 1931–32, but, for the reasons explained in Circular 1404, it is not practicable to say how much of this sum is to be attributed to the raising of the school age, 149 authorities have not yet submitted programmes.
§ Captain CROOKSHANKIs it true that the Government intend to drop the Bill until the autumn?
§ Sir C. TREVELYANThe Government certainly do not intend to drop the Bill.