§ 4. Mr. RAYNESasked the Minister of Labour if she is aware of the conditions of service applying to caretakers at Employment Exchanges; that men are engaged on an agreement which requires them to work not less than 48 hours per week; that their hours are usually exceeded by as much as 20 hours per week; that the total wages paid are £2 7s. 8d.; and that for temporary women cleaners the wage is 18s. 9d. for 30 hours' employment; and will she look into the matter?
§ Miss BONDFIELDAs the reply is necessarily long and contains a number of figures I will, if I may, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Following is the reply:
§ The full-time rates of wages for caretakers and cleaners at Employment Exchanges cover a week of 48 hours in the case of men and 42 hours in the case of women. If they are required to work in excess of these hours, overtime is paid 573 ordinary time rates (time and a half on Sundays). At the current rate of bonus the full-time weekly wages are as follows, those for a shorter week being approximately in proportion:—
§ Men.—Inner London: 51s. per week, 54s. 5d. per week after three years' service.
§ All others: 47s. 8d. per week, 51s. per week after three years' service.
§ Women.—Inner London: 32s. 9d. per week, 35s. 9d. per week after three years' service.
§ Outer London and Class I Towns: 29s. 9d. per week.
§ Classes II and III Towns: 26s. 10d. per week.
§ The classification of towns for purposes of pay is generally that adopted by the General Post Office. I am not aware of cases where 20 hours of overtime are regularly worked, and should be glad if my hon. Friend would give me particulars.