HC Deb 13 February 1930 vol 235 c575

asked the Minister of Labour the number of insured persons in Lanarkshire disallowed benefit on the grounds of not genuinely seeking work since the establishment of the boards of assessors, and for the comparable period a year ago?


During the period 10th September, 1929, to 13th January, 1930, 3,424 applications for benefit made at Employment Exchanges in Lanarkshire were disallowed by insurance officers on the ground "Not genuinely seeking work" and 1,025 cases were recommended for disallowance on the same ground by courts of referees on review after payment of 78 days' benefit. The corresponding figures for the period 11th September, 1928, to 14th January, 1929, are 6,906 disallowances by insurance officers and 1,449 by courts of referees.


asked the Minister of Labour whether her attention has been called to the fact that a person whose claim for unemployment benefit has been disallowed during the previous two years on the ground of not genuinely seeking work is regarded as not having had a reasonable period of insurable employment during that time, and consequently is refused all benefit; and whether, seeing that the law on this subject has been changed, she can review the present position in order that persons claiming benefit may no longer be penalised on this ground?


I am aware of the decision to which the hon. Member refers. It was given by the Umpire and I have no power to vary it. The position will be changed as from 13th March when the new Act repealing the conditions to which the decision relates comes into operation.

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