HC Deb 06 February 1930 vol 234 cc2051-3
4. Captain Sir GEORGE BOWYER

asked the Minister of Labour what action she proposes to take to extend unemployment insurance to agricultural workers?


I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the statement which I made in the course of the Debate on this matter on 29th January.


May I ask whether it is true that this matter has been postponed until next Session?


The statement I made is that we shall proceed on the lines of evolving a scheme which will not come straight into the House, but which will be first discussed by the farmers and farm workers concerned, and which we hope to be able to present to the House as an agreed scheme.

Number of cases considered 6,561
Number recommended for:
Allowance 4,776
Disallowance 1,785

The courts of referees, save in "review" cases, deal only with appeals from the initial decisions of the insurance officer, and the figures with regard to the cases so dealt with are not comparable with those for the boards of assessors. The figures which illustrate on a comparable basis the working of the boards of assessors procedure are those for the initial disallowances of benefit by insurance officers. These are given below, together with figures for courts of referees:

5. Mr. W. B. TAYLOR

asked the Minister of Labour if the payments by employer and worker for insurance of farm-workers have been actuarially assessed; and, if so, what are the respective payments proposed to be made by the State, employer and employé on the farms?


As I explained in the Debate on 29th January, the Departments concerned are in consultation on this matter, with a view to the preparation of a scheme as a basis for discussion, but it is not yet possible to indicate the rates of contribution which would be necessary, as these must obviously depend very largely on the nature of the scheme to be proposed.


Can we have any information as to when they will take place?


I hope within a fortnight.


Is the right hon Lady taking steps to get the opinion of those interested who are not, up to the present moment, members of one of these organised bodies?


That will be a point in the consultations which are to take place.