HC Deb 05 February 1930 vol 234 c1895

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what action has been taken as a result of the survey of the sea-fisheries of Kenya and Zanzibar under Dr. von Bonde in 1928?


A majority of the Select Committee on the draft Estimates of Kenya for 1930 recommended that negotiations should be entered into with an experienced firm with a view to their carrying out experimental work in connection with the establishment of a fishing industry at Mombasa. Provision to the extent of £5,000 has been made accordingly in the Estimates as passed by the Legislative Council. This proposal will need careful consideration, and I am not yet in a position to say what action will be taken. As regards Zanzibar, no communication has yet been received from the Protectorate Government, but the matter will be taken up with them.