HC Deb 03 February 1930 vol 234 cc1472-3

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has discussed with Mr. Sokolnikoff a commercial treaty, and with what result; and, if such a treaty is contemplated, will he make the ratification of it conditional on the settlement of matters for discussion under the Protocol of October, 1929?

The SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Mr. Arthur Henderson)

The regulation of the commercial relations between the two countries is naturally being discussed with the Soviet Government in accordance with the Protocol of the 3rd October last. At this early stage in the negotiations, however, it would be premature and improper for me to attempt to foreshadow the conditions under which any eventual agreement shall be brought into force. I would, however, add that, in any case, the hon. Member may rest assured that any eventual definitive Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with the Soviet Government will not he brought into force without the House being given an opportunity to express its views thereon.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of the question? Will he make ratification conditional on the settlement of matters for discussion under the Protocol of October, 1929?


That is in the answer which I have already given. It would ho premature for me to lay down conditions.


May we assume that the interests of employment and trade will not be subordinated to getting an extra 2½ per cent. for the bondholders?


Why all this secret diplomacy nowadays?

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