HC Deb 01 December 1930 vol 245 cc1782-3
24. Major OWEN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what progress is being made by the Anglo-Mexican Claims Commission, constituted under the convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States, dated the 19th November, 1926, and by what date are British claims lodged in, or prior to, March, 1928, likely to be dealt with; whether the Commission sits continuously or, if not, at what periods; and will be make representations to the Mexican Government with a view to expediting matters?


Thirty-eight decisions out of a total of about 100 claims have now been given by this Commission, which held its first session in August and September, 1928, and its second session from October, 1929, to February, 1930. Negotiations as to the conditions on which sittings should be resumed have now reached an advanced stage, and it is expected that the Commission will meet early next year and sit continuously until all the outstanding claims have been adjudicated upon. In the circumstances, I do not consider that any further representations are called for.

Major OWEN

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are certain claims on behalf of British subjects which were put in as long ago as March, 1928, which have not yet been dealt with?


Yes, that may be, but it is very difficult for us to force this Commission to work more rapidly.