HC Deb 16 April 1930 vol 237 cc2884-5

(for Mr. HOREBELISHA) asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, seeing that under A. F. O. 3049 of 1929, a scheme of retiring allowances and gratuities has been approved for officers of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service holding Board of Trade certificates and serving under Board of Trade agreements, he will consider the inclusion in the scheme of wireless telegraphy operators serving in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service, seeing that they are directly employed as Admiralty servants; that the wireless staff is treated similarly to pensionable officers in every other respect as regards foreign service, foreign service allowances, tanker bonus, leave, etc.; and that as they are not eligible for benefits from, nor are liable for, contributions to the National Health Insurance scheme or the Unemployment Insurance scheme, no provision is made towards their future?


Full consideration was given to conditions in the R.F.A. Service before the introduction of the scheme of retiring allowances and gratuities, and it is not proposed further to extend the scope of the scheme as promulgated on 29th November last (Admiralty Fleet Order 3049/29).

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