HC Deb 16 April 1930 vol 237 cc2900-1

asked the Minister of Labour if she is aware that applicants For unemployment benefit who sign the form which permits their cases to be heard by a court of referees consisting of a single person, lose the possibility of appeal to the Umpire when the decision is adverse, which would statutorily be granted if the court were not unanimous; and if she will consider advising that all such cases should be adjourned for consideration by a full court?


I am afraid I could not adopt this suggestion, since it would defeat the object on account of which the claimant has consented to have the claim dealt with by a single person, namely, in order to obtain an immediate decision. The proper remedy is for the workers' and employers' representatives to attend the courts, and I am taking such steps as are open to me to secure such attendance.


Will the right hon. Lady see that the applicants are informed of the possibility shown in the question before they are asked to sign the form, because my understanding is that they are pressed to sign the form?


I understand that all applicants are given the option.