HC Deb 10 April 1930 vol 237 c2348
48. Dr. DAVIES

asked the President of the Board of Education if school medical officers are allowed to communicate direct with the chief medical officer of his Department; and, is so, will he bring this fact to the notice of directors of education in the country?


I have already stated, in reply to a previous question, that it is a practice of many years' standing for the Board's chief medical officer to communicate directly with school medical officers regarding questions on which he desires their professional opinion; and it is equally their practice to communicate directly with him on such questions. Both the local authorities and the directors are quite well aware of this practice.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that in certain districts in the country directors of education have taken an unreasonable attitude that, these communications should pass through their hands first, and will he call the attention of directors of education to the answer which he has now given?


I have no doubt that they will see the answer to the question which the hon. Member has asked.