HC Deb 09 April 1930 vol 237 cc2152-3
23. Mr. T. LEWIS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what requirements have to be fulfilled before a naval rating is awarded a commission?


As the reply is rather long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

Commissions are granted to naval ratings after the necessary periods of training and probation as—

  1. (1) Mates (general service).
  2. (2) Mates (engineering).
  3. (3) Sub - Lieutenant (engineering)—by selection from Artificer apprentices in His Majesty's Ship "Fisgard."

(1) Promotion to Acting Mate (general service) is by selection by the Admiralty after consideration of recommendations received from the Fleet. The qualifications are that the candidates—

  1. (a) possess a first class certificate in the Higher Educational Test;
  2. (b) hold a leading rate in certain branches or have qualified for advancement to leading rating;
  3. (c) pass the seamanship examination for Mate;
  4. (d) are between the ages of 21 and 25;
  5. (e) are medically fit.

Detailed regulations are contained in Appendix XII, Part 3, King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions.

(2) The qualifications for promotion to Acting Mate (engineering) are that the candidates—

  1. (a) are engine room artificers or mechanicians, or above, and have two years' service as engine room artificers fourth class or mechanician;
  2. (b) are under the age of 30;
  3. (c) are medically fit.

The Admiralty, after consideration of recommendations received from the Fleet, make a selection of candidates possessing the above qualifications to undergo a professional examination afloat. Final selection is made from successful candidates at this examination.

Detailed regulations are contained in Appendix XII, Part 7, Section III, King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions.

(3) Artificer apprentices (not exceeding two a year) are promoted to Midshipmen (E) on completion of two years' service in the Training Establishment, and appointed to undergo a course of instruction with a view to becoming officers of the engineering branch.