HC Deb 08 April 1930 vol 237 c1958

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has directed his attention to the fatal accident which occurred at the Hugleth barytes mine, Shropshire, on 21st March; and whether he contemplates any alteration in the mining regulations, with a view to preventing any possible recurrence of an accident from similar causes?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Ben Turner)

This accident was due to the collapse of a platform, the ledge of rock supporting which had been shattered by a shot fired just previously. Although the shot was only about a yard from the edge of the platform, the miner who had fired it seems to have omitted to examine the supporting ledge and see whether it was still secure before he resumed his work upon the platform. I fear that there is no amendment of the mining regulations which could prevent the tragic consequences of momentary forgetfulness. The rules of the mine already provide for a careful examination of the roof and sides of every working place during the course of work, and especially after blasting.