HC Deb 14 November 1929 vol 231 c2210

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been directed to the dismissal of G. Webber, following his appearance as witness in a case of the prosecution of his employers at Swansea by the Ministry for an offence in respect of health insurance; and if, in order to avoid the intimidation of employés who appear as witnesses, he will consider introducing legislation or take steps to protect employés who are called upon to give evidence against their employers in cases of this character?


I am aware of this case, but I am informed that the dismissal was due to reasons unconnected with the prosecution. In any event, I have no power to take any steps in the matter, and I fear that legislation as suggested by my hon. Friend would be impracticable, if only for the reason that the dismissal of an employé could seldom be connected definitely with the fact that he had given evidence against his employer.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that in all cases of this kind the reasons given by the employers are not necessarily the prime cause of the man's dismissal?


That may be true, but it is difficult indeed in cases of alleged victimisation for proof to be shown that it was victimisation when any number of other reasons can always be adduced.

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