HC Deb 14 November 1929 vol 231 cc2221-2

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will consider the introduction of legislation to empower the Government in the taking of all Death Duties in kind instead of money as heretofore?


I fear that my hon. Friend's suggestion is impracticable.

88. Mr. W. J. BROWN

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is prepared to consider the introduction of the necessary legislation to authorised officers of customs and excise to administer grants of representation in estates not exceeding £1,000 in value, in view of the depreciation of values since the existing limit of £500 was fixed and the convenience such an extension would confer on the executors of small estates?


I fear that my hon. Friend's suggestion is impracticable. Where Estate Duty is payable on an estate which does not exceed £500 gross a fixed duty is payable on the gross sum; where, however, the Estate exceeds that amount the duty is payable at ad valorem rates on the net value of the estate, i.e., on the gross value less debts, funeral expenses, etc. My hon. Friend will appreciate that the process of converting a gross estate to a net is one which may give rise to complications and differences of opinion and cannot appropriately be entrusted to a local officer of another Department as a matter of routine.