HC Deb 05 November 1929 vol 231 cc822-3
29. Mr. HANNON

asked the President of the Board of Trade how the output of enamelled hollowware for the first six months of 1929 compares with the output during the corresponding period of 1928?


As the answer involves a table of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Really, this is too bad. May I ask whether there has not been substantial improvement in this industry as compared with last year?


There is no difficulty in the matter. The only reason is that I have 31 questions to answer, and this is an elaborate table of figures. There is a certain improvement.

Following is the answer:

STATEMENT showing the production (quantity and value) of Wrought Enamelled Hollow-ware in each half year ended June, 1928 and 1929.

Compiled from figures supplied by the Wrought Hollow-ware Trade Employers' Association and by certain firms outside the Association.

Period. Wrought Enamelled Hollow-ware made.
Quantity. Value.
1928. Tons. £
First Quarter 2,963 238,532
Second Quarter 2,609 212,579
Total for six months 5,572 451,111
First Quarter 4,165 311,796
Second Quarter 3,601 270,932
Total for six months 7,766 582,728

These figures are believed to cover the major portion of the industry.

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