HC Deb 27 March 1929 vol 226 cc2408-9
2. Mr. DAY

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the amount of ransom demanded by the Mexican bandits who captured Mr. John Wilmot Reid, a British subject, at Durango, Mexico; whether the British Minister at Mexico City had made any representations to the Mexican Government on the subject; whether any negotiations have taken place for Mr. Reid's release; and will he give full particulars?


The ransom demanded for the release of Mr. Reid and of the American citizen captured at the same time is stated to be $24,000. His Majesty's Minister at Mexico City has addressed representations to the Mexican Government. He reports that pursuit of the bandits by Federal troops has temporarily been suspended, and that the St. Nicholas Mining and Milling Company are treating for the amount of the ransom.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the last communication was received, as, according to the Press report, these men are in dire jeopardy of losing their lives?


I cannot say, but I hope that that report is at least very much exaggerated. The first purpose of the Mexican Government and ourselves was to save the men's lives.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that their families are very much concerned, and are any fresh communications taking place with our representative, so that the oil company can forward the ransom to these bandits?


Our Minister in Mexico will give any assistance that he properly can; he does not require any further instructions on the subject.