39. Captain CROOKSHANKasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what, if any, conditions are attached to the grant of £500 made to the British Social Hygiene Council; and whether the grant was made after consultation with the Minister of Health?
§ Mr. AMERYThis grant is made to assist the council in organising pro- 2429 paganda work in the Colonies, etc. Its employment is limited to certain specified services, such as the supply of films and medical and educational literature. Payments out of the grant are made only in reimbursement of certified expenditure on approved services. The grant has not recently been the subject of discussion with the Minister of Health, who has no responsibility for work of this kind in the Colonies.
Captain CROOKSHANKWill the right hon. Gentleman call the attention of the Minister of Health to the valuable services rendered by this council, considering that in the discussions on the Local Government Bill the Minister was very disparaging about it?