HC Deb 21 March 1929 vol 226 c1841
32. Mr. HARRIS

asked the Minister of Health the average rent per room charged by the public authorities in the Metropolitan area for houses subsidised in the various housing schemes sanctioned by the Ministry of Health since the War; and whether he is prepared to sanction any reduction in the rents charged?


The information for which the hon. Member asks is not available in my Department, but the hon. Member is no doubt aware of the very full particulars of the rents charged by the London County Council on each of their housing estates given in the statistical statements published by the Council. My approval of rents is not required for any houses erected under the 1923 and 1924 Housing Acts, except in so far as they are for re-housing in connection with slum clearance schemes. So far as my approval of rents is required, it is for the councils concerned to make proposals for my consideration.