HC Deb 20 March 1929 vol 226 c1712 The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Sir HERBERT NIELD: 42. "To ask the Financial Secretary to the Treasury why temporary female clerical staffs are being newly appointed to Departments of the Civil Service, in view of the Government's policy of preference for ex-service men in respect of such employment in the Civil Service.

I do not put this question as it has been answered. It was put down for a written reply on Thursday, and, as I did not get a reply on Monday, I starred it.

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel)

Perhaps it would be more satisfactory if I gave a reply to that. The House rose very early last Friday. The reply was ready for delivery on Friday, but could not be delivered here to the right hon. and learned Gentleman on account of the early rising of the House. We take every step to get our written replies to hon. Members with all speed.


It had not reached me by three or four o'clock on Monday.