HC Deb 19 March 1929 vol 226 cc1585-6
18. Mr. AMMON

asked the Secretary for Mines whether the Department for Scientific Research has undertaken any experiments as to the use of pulverised coal fuel for the Royal Navy; what has been the nature of the experiments; and with what measure of success?

Commodore KING

The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research have not been asked to undertake any experiments on the use of pulverised fuel for the Royal Navy.


Did the hon. and gallant Gentleman not hear the First Lord say that investigations were being carried out for that purpose?

Commodore KING

No, Sir. My right hon. Friend may have been referring to the activities of the Fuel Research Board and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. That Department is, of course, carrying out fundamental research in the combustion of pulverised fuel which can be used not only for sea purposes, but also on land.

42. Mr. AMMON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of ships and their categories burning coal fuel?


134 vessels burn coal and seven coal and oil. With the hon. Member's permission I will circulate the details in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The details are as follow:

Vessels burning coal:

Cruisers 3
Sloops 24
Minesweepers 29
Gunboats 3
Whaler 1
Depot Ships 10
Repair Ship 1
Minelayers 2
Surveying Vessels 8
Fishery Protection Gunboats 8
Trawlers 5
Drifters 29
Tugs 5
Hospital Ship 1
Special Service Vessels 3
Small Tenders 2
Total 134

The seven vessels which burn coal and oil are:

Battleships 4
Gunboats 3