§ Resolution of the House of the 13th day of March relative to the Southern Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the Great Western Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill, the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport) Bill, and the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill, which was ordered to be communicated to the Lords, and the Message from the Lords of the 14th day of March signifying their concurrence in the said Resolution, read:
That the Order [12th March] that the Southern Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the Great Western Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport) Bill, the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill, the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport) Bill, and the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill, be committed, be read and discharged, and the said Bills be committed to a Select Committee of Five Members, to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, to be joined with a Committee of Five Lords."—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]
§ Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.
That all Petitions in favour of or against the Bills, respectively, presented on or before the 27th day of March, 1929, be referred to the Committee; that the Petitioners praying to be heard against the Bills by themselves, their Counsel, Agents, or witnesses, be heard and Counsel be heard in support of the Bills.
That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.
That Three be the quorum.
That it be an Instruction to the Committee that they have power, if they think fit, to consolidate the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport) Bill and the London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill into one Bill and the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport) Bill and the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway (Air Transport, Scotland) Bill into one Bill."—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]