HC Deb 14 March 1929 vol 226 cc1271-2

asked the Secretary for Mines what is the number of pit-head bathing establishments in Scotland, England and Wales; how many of these establishments in each of these countries are provided by the owners free of any charge on their empoyés; how many are maintained by a joint arrangement between the owners and employés; what is the average weekly payment made by an employé under such arrangements; whether such payments by employés are voluntary; and the number of bathing establishments set up under the miners' welfare scheme?

Commodore KING

As the reply contains a number of figures I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Why is it that we are only able to get figures about pithead baths from a few coalowners; and is it not a fact that in Germany and on the Continent generally pit-head baths are provided practically free of charge for the miners?

Commodore KING

That does not arise out of the original question.

Following is the answer:

The numbers of completed pit-head baths are: Four in Scotland 28 in England and two in Wales. The numbers of those for which grants have been made from the Miners' Welfare Fund are: One in Scotland, 18 in England and one in Wales. Fifteen additional installations are at present under construction by the Miners' Welfare Committee. Of the 20 completed installations for which grants have been made, four are maintained wholly by the owners and 16 by voluntary joint arrangements between the owners and men. I have not similar details for the 14 installations for which grants have not been made. The cost of upkeep varies between wide limits according to the size of the installation, and an average figure would therefore be of little value. The matter is discussed in the recent Annual Report of the Committee, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.

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