HC Deb 13 March 1929 vol 226 cc1106-7
14. Mr. KELLY

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the number of industrial employés in the service of the Admiralty and the number of those workers who are entitled to at least one week's holiday with pay each year?


The number of industrial employés in Admiralty establishments at home is approximately 47,500, and about 3,500 of these are allowed leave with pay to the extent of at least six days a year.


In view of the practice in the Office of Works where the greater proportion of the men are given a week's holiday with pay, will not the Admiralty consider doing the same for those in their service?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

It is a matter that does not really affect the Admiralty alone. It affects every Government department. I think that the question should be addressed to my hon. Friend the Financial Secretary to the Treasury.


Is not the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that this has been a very pressing question for a large number of years, and, if one is to be constantly referred from one department to another, it will never be satisfactorily settled? Could not the Admiralty set an example in this matter?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

The Admiralty cannot set an example in these things. It depends upon all the departments of the Government.

Viscountess ASTOR

Could not the Admiralty give a fighting lead?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

I would point out to the Noble Lady that the Admiralty cannot give a lead. It is for the departments as a whole.


Has not the hon. and gallant Gentleman just admitted that a certain number of Admiralty employés do get a holiday, and why cannot it be universal?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

We cannot make it a general rule at the Admiralty when it does not apply to other departments. The matter is being considered, as the hon. Member knows.