HC Deb 13 March 1929 vol 226 cc1125-6
54. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that fresh evidence as to the use of chlorodyne as a drug of addiction has come to light since the Departmental Committee on morphine and heroin addiction reported in 1926; whether, in view of the consequences of the abuse of this drug by persons being able to obtain unlimited quantities by purchase from several chemists at the same time and in the same town, he will bring the preparation within the scope of the Dangerous Drugs Acts; and, failing this action, whether he proposes at an early date to carry out Recommendation 103 (2), which would secure that no preparation could be sold under the name of chlorodyne which contains more than 0.1 per cent. of morphine?


The recommendation of the Rolleston Committee has been under consideration, but legislation would be required in order to give effect to it. No opportunity for this has so far occurred, but the matter has not been lost sight of, and it is noted for consideration in connection with the general question of the revision of the Pharmacy Acts which has been under investigation by a Departmental Committee. I may add that the evidence before the Home Office does not show that the abuse of chlorodyne has been increasing since the Rolleston Committee reported.