HC Deb 12 March 1929 vol 226 cc972-3
43. Mr. KELLY

asked the Minister of Labour the number registered in Redruth as unemployed during the last two months and the labour transferred to Redruth from depressed areas during the same period?


As the reply includes a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

Persons on the Register of the Redruth Employment Exchange in January and February,1929.
Date. Men. Boys. Women. Girls. Total.
7th January
Wholly Unemployed 514 9 21 6 550
Temporarily Stopped 127 74 7 208
14th January
Wholly Unemployed 523 11 25 5 564
Temporarily Stopped 65 67 9 141
21st January
Wholly Unemployed 510 7 20 8 545
Temporarily Stopped 58 72 9 139
28th January
Wholly Unemployed 500 9 25 7 541
Temporarily Stopped 57 78 8 143
4th February
Wholly Unemployed 497 11 24 10 342
Temporarily Stopped 56 60 8 124
11th February
Wholly Unemployed 484 11 26 12 533
Temporarily Stopped 57 61 9 127
18th February
Wholly Unemployed 487 13 31 9 540
Temporarily Stopped 57 60 9 126
25th February
Wholly Unemployed 518 13 28 4 563
Temporarily Stopped 54 52 8 114
During the same period 14 men were transferred to Redruth from depressed areas.