HC Deb 06 March 1929 vol 226 cc384-5
Sir BASIL PETO (by Private Notice)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has been informed that Robert White, master of the steamship "Tritonia," and members of the crew, have been placed under arrest at Buenaventura, Colombia, pending investigation of the explosion that occurred on board that vessel; whether they have been since released, and whether he will take steps to see that they have legal assistance in the event of the Government of Colombia attaching responsibility to the captain or any of the crew for the results of the explosion?


I am in communication with His Majesty's Minister at Bogotá regarding this matter, but I have not yet received confirmation of the reported release of the master and crew. I understand that the owners of the ship have arranged that the captain and crew shall have the best legal assistance available.