HC Deb 05 March 1929 vol 226 cc176-7
14. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the President of the Board of Trade what associations of producers or manufacturers, apart from agriculture, receive grants for research work; and whether any grant is made for research work directed to the increased use of British steel instead of foreign timber in many industries?


As the answer is long, my hon and gallant Friend will perhaps agree to my circulating it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The following Research Associations, formed by the industries named, under the auspices of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for the purposes of co-operative research, are at present in receipt of grants from that Department: photographic; scientific instruments; woollen and worsted; boot and shoe: cotton; linen; rubber; cocoa, chocolate, etc.; non-ferrous metals; refractories; launderers; leather; cutlery; electrical; silk; cast iron; flour millers; foodstuffs; paint and varnish.

Grants are also made to the National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers for research work on the manufacture and use of metallurgical coke, and to the Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Research Association in connection with the survey of the coal seams in Lancashire and Cheshire.

As regards the second part of the question, no grant is made by the Department for research work with the specific object mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend.

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