HC Deb 01 March 1929 vol 225 cc2334-5

"This contempt for the Constitution of the House of Commons was shown in a marked way by the Chairman of Ways and Means in a ruling of so partisan a character that it would take one's breath away, if the Tory Government had riot, by this time, almost exhausted one's capacity for indignation."

She goes on, or the articles goes on, to criticise the ruling of the Chairman in the case of the Derby Corporation Bill, which will be fresh in the memory of hon. Members opposite. The article then says —I do not propose to read any other passages —

What kind of ruling is this? What possible respect can be left for a Chairman who so completely flouts the Rules of Order?

On these facts I beg to move: That the article purporting to be written by the hon. Member for East Middlesbrough and published in the "New Leader" newspaper of the 1st March is a gross libel on the Chairman of Ways and Means, and a grave breach of the Privileges of this House.


I beg to second the Motion.


I am sure that no hon. Member of this House, acquainted with its Rules, would object to the action that the hon. and learned Member opposite has taken. He is bound, under the Rules of the House, to draw your attention, Mr. Speaker, to what he considers, rightly or wrongly, a gross libel upon the Privileges of this House, at the very earliest possible opportunity, and that is now. At the same time, as the Chief Whip so justly said, I feel perfectly certain that, without passing any judgment or making any observation upon the matter, of which I heard only at this very moment —I have not seen the article, and I had no notice that this matter was coming up—under the circumstances, it would be better if the House accepted the Motion which I understand the Patronage Secretary is about to move.


I beg to move, "That the Debate be now adjourned."

Question put, and agreed to.

Debate to be resumed upon Monday next.