HC Deb 25 July 1929 vol 230 c1483
100. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Minister of Health whether, seeing that an inspector of his Department visited Plymouth last autumn to look into and report upon matters connected with a reconstruction scheme for Castle Street and New Street, Plymouth, that the inspector submitted a Report on this scheme to the Ministry of Health many months ago, that later the scheme was approved by the Ministry subject to certain modifications and to the exclusion of certain properties, and that the details of these modifications and exceptions have never yet been laid before the Plymouth City Council, he can now state what modifications are required by his Department and what properties it is proposed should be excluded from the scheme; and whether he will give the reasons for such exclusion?


It has been necessary to defer further consideration of the scheme having regard to the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of R. v. Minister of Health, ex parte Davis.

Viscountess ASTOR

Can the Minister of Health give me any idea how soon we can have an answer?


The point is that it comes under the Derby decision, and we are now holding up claims until that decision can be rectified by legislation. It will come under my consideration in the immediate future.

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